Rodent Droppings Clean Up Service in Glendale, AZ

When dealing with a rodent infestation, simply eliminating the droppings is not enough, as the waste they leave behind can contain hazardous bacteria, microorganisms, and viruses, such as the potentially fatal Hantavirus.
To properly eradicate these pathogens, T.A.C.T. AZ utilizes hospital-grade disinfectants and commercial HEPA vacuums that are capable of containing airborne viruses within the vacuum canister. Although some homeowners believe that they can take care of the problem themselves, using household vacuums, even with a HEPA filter, it is not recommended. The safe removal of animal feces requires other equipment, as well, to protect those performing the cleanup from harmful air borne microorganisms.
Most pest exterminators typically do not have the necessary procedures in place to clean up the droppings left behind to decontaminate your property and ensure full remediation of the affected areas. At T.A.C.T. AZ, we prioritize thorough deep cleaning to remove the rodent waste and rid the area of any odors that may attract more rodents in the future.
To achieve a thorough cleaning, we use professional, proprietary chemicals that have been proven to kill viruses and bacteria carried by rodents. The chemicals are often left to sit on surfaces for an appropriate amount of time to disinfect the area. Following the cleaning process, an ATP test can be use to obtain reading that confirm the area has been remediated thoroughly.
We will determine the safety of your property based on the test results and repeat the process if necessary until we achieve the desired level of decontamination. Our dedication to extensive cleaning and testing exemplifies why T.A.C.T. AZ is a leading provider of solutions for cleaning up and removing rodent waste.
Our rodent droppings clean-up services include clean up of nests, urine, and feces from:
- Mice
- Squirrels
- Opossums
- Bats
- Pigeon Bats
- Pigeons
- Geese
- Racoons
- Rats, including Norway rats & roof rats
Contact Us:
If you or your organization requires immediate assistance with an eliminating the rodent droppings, contact T.A.C.T. AZ. Our experienced and caring team is ready to provide the support and services you need, 24/7.
Phone: (623) 462-1777 or (520) 523-3171
Here are the steps of the whole process
Call T.A.C.T or fill the form to contact us
We arrive at your home quickly
We create a plan of action
Your life goes back to normal

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